N30 - SHS Italy

+39 3497476708       info@shsitaly.com
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composed  of a mixture of hydrocarbons, vegetable oils and nanoparticles, capable  of optimizing the performance of diesel engines of transport and  industrial vehicles.            
The nanoparticles within the fuel are capable of reducing emissions and consumption by improving efficiency. The  fuel thus becomes a "nanofuel" where the nanoparticles present act as  catalysts, thanks to their high surface area and chemical reactivity,  facilitating the combustion reaction.   
N30  also contains substances which, combined with nanoparticles, eliminate  the formation of algae, reducing dirt inside the tank.            
The  fuel absorbed on the surface of the nanoparticles, once injected into  the combustion chamber, evaporates faster, reducing the injection delay,  combustion time and the amount of unburned fuel.            
 N030 TREAT. DIESEL 1lt -   UNIT PRICE €198.34 + VAT                                                           
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OPERATIONAL HEADQUARTERS : Via di Sottomonte 144, 55060 GUAMO (LU)
REGISTERED OFFICE: Via Sarzanese 322, 55100 LUCCA
Website: www.shsitaly.com     

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